i know this is n00b but i have searched and i can not figure it out.
i am running instantrails on windows. i downloaded ajax_scaffold and
installed using script/generate in a new rails project. after
configing the db i can the following error when trying to access
http://localhost:3001/invoices/list (invoices is the controller/table
i built ajax_scaffold on)...
Probably means you're referencing the Invoice class without having
created it. Do you have an Invoice model in app/models? Check there
first. If you don't have it, generate it via the command line with:
ruby script/generate model invoice
You'll need to edit the migration file created for that model (in
db/migrate), then run:
rake db:migrate
Try those things and let us know how it turns out.
i tried the rake db:migrate and i get the same error
Also, if that is your EXACT code, the problem might be there. Typically
Rails model classes are singular, so Invoice instead of Invoices. I'd
still shoot for ActiveScaffold though.
yeah i read about that but when i try activeScaffold i get this error:
NoMethodError in InvoicesController#list
undefined method `active_scaffold' for InvoicesController:Class
so i was trying to get it to work in the older version first but i
would rather use activeScaffold. the error above doesnt like the
following line i added to my controller class:
active_scaffold :Invoice
yeah i read about that but when i try activeScaffold i get this error:
NoMethodError in InvoicesController#list
undefined method `active_scaffold' for InvoicesController:Class
so i was trying to get it to work in the older version first but i
would rather use activeScaffold. the error above doesnt like the
following line i added to my controller class:
active_scaffold :Invoice
any ideas?
Based on your errors it sounds like something isn't being included
properly. Undefined method is pretty obvious -- active_scaffold isn't a
defined method.
Double-check with the AS documentation on how and where to include what.
Since I have no experience with AS I can't help you beyond that.
1. that model should be singular - tables are plural - I would imagine
it's double important when you start relying on ORM in Rails
2. even though its probably better to use the newer activescaffold,
ajaxscaffold should still work - deprication shouldnt be killing it
3. when you say 'config the db' after generating as - that may have
complicated things. I have had these same types of errors and noticed
when I went back and created a new project clean and tried again they
went away.