Is it possible to use Mysql column type SET within RoR migration files?
I am not familiar with "SET" but you can pass any sql in a migration with the "Execute" command Like so: (this is adding a foreign key and a GUID id rather than an auto-increment integer, but you get the point.)
class CreateSeats < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up
create_table(:seats, :id => false) do |t| t.string :id, :limit => 32, :null => false t.string :venue_id, :limit => 32, :null => false t.string :name t.string :section t.string :seat_row t.string :seat_number t.string :seat_type
t.timestamps end execute "ALTER TABLE `seats` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`)"
#add a foreign key execute "ALTER TABLE seats ADD CONSTRAINT fk_seats_venues FOREIGN KEY (venue_id) REFERENCES venues(id)"
def self.down #Drop foreign key execute "ALTER TABLE seats DROP FOREIGN KEY fk_seats_venues" drop_table :seats end end
Thank you Teedub Ill pass it as an sql statement guess that’s the easiest way