MySQL and loading dates for timestamp columns from CSV

Hello, using MySQL, FasterCSV and have a CSV dump of blog posts to be imported as production data, except the created_at and updated_at columns are always populated for me and not read from the CSV!

I tried renaming the columns, tried changing the type to import them as strings, this worked (as strings), but then when I changed the type to datetime, they NULL'd out (expected?).

This happens for all my models that use the timestamp columns. All tables were created from migrations using t.timestamps.

I tried messing with record_timestamps as well to no avail. this must be a general problem, hoping it's something simple. tia!

def import_csv(file)   name = File.basename(file, '.csv')   puts   puts "truncating existing #{name} data..."   ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("truncate table #{name.pluralize.underscore}")

  puts "parsing #{name}.csv..."   rows =, :quote_char => '\\')   column_names = rows.shift

  puts "importing #{rows.size} rows..."   count = (eval "#{name}.import(column_names, rows)").num_inserts

  puts "successfully imported #{count} rows!"   puts end

I'm back on this issue and think it is because the ar-extensions "import" method will automatically set the created_at and updated_at columns. It would be nice if there was some option to not do that. I have an email to the creator out and am awaiting response. Listed as a feature of ar-extensions 0.7 here: