MyApp/lib/ directory: How to deal with it?

The Guide says about /lib directory:      lib/ Extended modules for your application.

Somewhere I read that I could place there my custom email validator class. But how to use it then? How to require it?

Now I do this way in my "create" method:

def create     require "myEmailValidator"     @result = EmailValidator.validate(params[:email_from_form]) end

It works, but maybe is there a better way to work with it?

Wins Lin wrote in post #1105843:

# In my "create" methon def create     require "myEmailValidator"     @result = EmailValidator.validate(params[:email_from_form]) end

It works, but maybe is there a better way to work with it?

Isn't it generally accepted practice to put require statements at the top of the file? It seem odd to me to put them inside a method as you've done here. Maybe I'm just used to treating require like import from other languages.

You may find this helpful:

what i usually do is adding autoload_path.

in config/application.rb, i append

config.autoload_paths += %W(#{Rails.root}/lib/validators)

then i put generic validators such as EmailValidator into lib/validators directory

after that, all i need is

class SomeModel < ActiveRecord::Base

validates :email, :email => true
