My Problems


I want help because I love Ruby on Rails but I'm in two major problems. 1. I want to learn Ruby on Rails but because it is new, therefore, there are not enough resources. 2. I have searched the top 15 web hosting sites but none of them are supporting Ruby on Rails.

Please help me solve these major issues which are not letting me learn Ruby on Rails while I am crazy about it.


I want help because I love Ruby on Rails but I’m in two major


  1. I want to learn Ruby on Rails but because it is new, therefore,

there are not enough resources. Who said so? Just google Ruby on Rails and you are there.

  1. I have searched the top 15 web hosting sites but none of them are

supporting Ruby on Rails.

Engineyard, Amazon, Heroku, Linode, what else do you want?


I want help because I love Ruby on Rails but I'm in two major problems. 1. I want to learn Ruby on Rails but because it is new, therefore, there are not enough resources.

try and the free to use online tutorial

2. I have searched the top 15 web hosting sites but none of them are supporting Ruby on Rails.

I recommend Heroku for starting out.
