Multiple text_field for one variable...

Ok this is probably a silly question, but I've been up all night, and I'm not thinking right :slight_smile:

Is there a way to have a model's variable set using multiople text_fields, while still using the

<%= text_field :order, :time %> but have two text_fields for it, and then

order.create(params[:order]) in the controller...

I know the date_select helper, creates parameters called date(1i), date(2i), date(3i)... I guess I'm wondering if I can manually do the same thing, for lets say "time" have a drop down for the hour, and drop down for the minutes w/o having to then write manual code to set the time....

I hope that makes sense.

Help!!! Please!!! :frowning:

Yes, you can. If you need to know the details, have a look at the source code of ActiveRecord::Base#assign_multiparameter_attributes and following.

Basically, if you have an aggregation defined where the constructor of the aggregate class takes multiple arguments, you can indicate position and type of these arguments in parentheses. In this way something(1i), something(2s), something(3f) are mapped to     <fixnum-value-of-param-something(1i)>,     <string-value-of-param-something(2s)>,     <float-value-of-param-something(3f)>)


Forget about aggregations. Yes, it works for them, of course, but the point is really to supply the multiple arguments needed by the constructor of a class-valued (i.e. not String, Fixnum and cousins) attribute.


Forgot to thank you guys!

I haven't had a chance to test it, I've been fixing some real sloppy coding... but it makes perfect sense... I'll report back incase somone else cares :slight_smile: