multiple-select no method found?

Rails 3.1.3 latest formtastic

My app requires dynamic select forms, so I have models

class Departure < ActiveRecord::Base   has_many :airlines   has_many :destinations, :through => :airlines end

class Destination < ActiveRecord::Base   has_many :airlines   has_many :departures, :throught => airlines end

class Airline < ActiveRecord::Base   belongs_to :departure   belongs_to :destination end

And using Formtastic,

<%= semantic_form_for @plan, :remote=>true do |f| %>   <%= f.inputs do %>     <%= f.input :departure,   :collection=>Departure.find(:all, :order=>:city).collect{ |c| [,]},   :required=>true %>     <div id="destinationCity">       <%= render :partial => 'destination' %>     </div>

    <div id="airlineCompany">       <%= render :partial => 'airline' %> <======HERE!!!!     </div>

    <%= f.action :submit, :as => :button %>   <% end %> <% end %>

and JavaScript is ready as well for Ajax responses.

And this works if there is no partial, '_airline.html.erb' part!

Adding the partial _airline.html.erb raises an error,

<%= semantic_form_for "plan", :remote => true do |f| %>   <%= f.inputs do %>     <% if !@airlines.blank? %>       <%= f.input :airline, :collection=>airlines.collect{ |s| [,]} %>     <% else %>       <%= f.input :airline, :collection=> %>     <% end %>   <% end %> <% end %>

#error ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `airline' for #<Plan:0x000001037e66f8>):     3: <% if !@airlines.blank? %>     4: <%= f.input :airline, :collection=>airlines.collect{ |s| [,]} %>     5: <% else %>     6: <%= f.input :airline, :collection=> %>     7: <% end %>     8: <% end %>     9: <% end %>

I don't understand the error message because there is no method used in this particular partial. And similarly, the controller does not have such method, 'airilne'.

Can anyone guess the cause of this error?



Rails 3.1.3 latest formtastic

My app requires dynamic select forms, so I have models

class Departure < ActiveRecord::Base   has_many :airlines   has_many :destinations, :through => :airlines end

class Destination < ActiveRecord::Base   has_many :airlines   has_many :departures, :throught => airlines end

class Airline < ActiveRecord::Base   belongs_to :departure   belongs_to :destination end

And using Formtastic,

<%= semantic_form_for @plan, :remote=>true do |f| %>   <%= f.inputs do %>     <%= f.input :departure,   :collection=>Departure.find(:all, :order=>:city).collect{ |c| [,]},   :required=>true %>     <div id="destinationCity">       <%= render :partial => 'destination' %>     </div>

    <div id="airlineCompany">       <%= render :partial => 'airline' %> <======HERE!!!!     </div>

    <%= f.action :submit, :as => :button %>   <% end %> <% end %>

and JavaScript is ready as well for Ajax responses.

And this works if there is no partial, '_airline.html.erb' part!

Adding the partial _airline.html.erb raises an error,

<%= semantic_form_for "plan", :remote => true do |f| %>   <%= f.inputs do %>     <% if !@airlines.blank? %>       <%= f.input :airline, :collection=>airlines.collect{ |s| [,]} %>     <% else %>       <%= f.input :airline, :collection=> %>     <% end %>   <% end %> <% end %>

#error ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `airline' for #<Plan:0x000001037e66f8>):     3: <% if !@airlines.blank? %>     4: <%= f.input :airline, :collection=>airlines.collect{ |s| [,]} %>

The line above expects there to be a method airline in the Plan object that you have created the form for.


#error ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `airline' for #<Plan:0x000001037e66f8>):     3: <% if !@airlines.blank? %>     4: <%= f.input :airline, :collection=>airlines.collect{ |s| [,]} %>     5: <% else %>     6: <%= f.input :airline, :collection=> %>     7: <% end %>     8: <% end %>     9: <% end %>

Hi Soichi,

Kindly check whether 'airline' is there in plan model or not and check if you have spelled it correctly..

