multiple in one form


  I just try to deal with multiples model in one form, using ajax to add models. but got a weird params hash.

got: :master_model => {   :sub_model => [     { :field_1 => "1" },     { :field_1 => "2", :field_2 => "3" },     { :field_2 => "4" }   ] }

instead of :

:master_model => {   :sub_model => [     { :field_1 => "1" :field_2 => "3" },     { :field_1 => "2", :field_2 => "4" }   ] }

anybody can help me?

i just checked it again and it looks like a form_remote_for bug, because with a non ajax form_for params are well formed, can someone confirm it?

It's impossible to confirm with the little information you've given. Care to elaborate?

Hi erol,

Try this :

<% form_for(@master_model) do |f| %>   <%= f.error_messages %>

  <%- fields_for('master_model[sub_model]', do |sm| - %>     <%= sm.text_field :field1 %>     <%= sm.text_field :field2 %>     <%= sm.text_field :field3 %>   <%- end -%>

  <%- fields_for('master_model[sub_model]', do |sm| - %>     <%= sm.text_field :field1 %>     <%= sm.text_field :field2 %>     <%= sm.text_field :field3 %>   <%- end -%>   <p>     <%= f.submit "Create" %>   </p> <% end %>

then check params format (it should be ok), then replace "form_for" with "remote_form_for" and check params format, "master_model[sub_model]" should be wrong

I am having this same problem, but I need to do this with ajax..... any ideas? I've been racking my brain on this for a few hours now and am losing it,

I am having this same problem, but I need to do this with ajax.....
any ideas? I've been racking my brain on this for a few hours now and
am losing it,
> Hi erol,
> Try this :
> <% form_for(@master_model) do |f| %>
>   <%= f.error_messages %>
>   <%-fields_for('master_model[sub_model][]', do |sm| -
> %>
>     <%= sm.text_field :field1 %>
>     <%= sm.text_field :field2 %>
>     <%= sm.text_field :field3 %>
>   <%- end -%>

I find way better results with

form_remote_for([@master_model, @sub_model])

in cases where I need several instances of sub model

I do something like this in the view

<% unless @master_model.sub_models.nil? %>

  <%= render :partial => 'sub_model', :collection => @master_model.sub_models, :object => @master_model%>

<% end %>

<%= render :partial => ‘new_sub_model’, :object => [@master_model, @sub_model] %>

then the partials use

div_for(sub_model) so the controller can talk back ajax to each instance of the form

the new_sub_model partial sends to create,

then create via rjs, refreshes the list of sub_models and shows a new empty new_sub_model template

>   <%-fields_for('master_model[sub_model][]', do |sm| -
> %>
>     <%= sm.text_field :field1 %>
>     <%= sm.text_field :field2 %>
>     <%= sm.text_field :field3 %>
>   <%- end -%>
>   <p>
>     <%= f.submit "Create" %>
>   </p>
> <% end %>
> then check params format (it should be ok), then replace "form_for"
> with "remote_form_for" and check params format,
> "master_model[sub_model]" should be wrong
> > > i just checked it again and it looks like a form_remote_for bug,
> > > because with a non ajax form_for params are well formed,
> > > can someone confirm it?
> > It's impossible to confirm with the little information you've given.
> > Care to elaborate?
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