multi tagging model


i have 3 model or better saying 3 db table 1.Post 2.Tag 3.Taggings

in Post => { title, content} in Tag => {name} in Tagging => {tag_id, post_id}

so it's easy for gathering tags for each post by using => post.taggings.tags okay!

now if i have another table(model), for example (News, Article, Job), in this situation how can i improve Tag and Tagging model for working with them. it's mean i have to change Tagging to => {tag_id, post_id, news_id, article_id, job_id} ? i can't figure out...

tnx !

use polymorphic association.

drop your taggings model.

add tag_id and tag_type to your tag model and set it up as a polymorphic associaton for each model you want to add a tag to.

side: if you’re adding tags to models, I suggest you look at acts_as_taggable_on