Multi-model form saving and validation error problems.

I have a form with fields from several models present.

My model relations are:

addresses has_many contacts contacts has_one user user belongs_to contact contact belongs_to address

The code below works fine, but it's ugly.

I think I ought to be able to just save the address, and everything else should work automatically, but it doesn't. (The address gets written to the database, but not the user or the contact.)

E.g. I would like to write:

      Address.transaction do!       end

rather than:

      Address.transaction do!         @contact.address_id =!         @user.contact_id =!       end

Perhaps someone can point me in the right direction here...



Working code:

the registration controller's method is:

  def register     if request.get?       session[:user_id] = nil       @user =       @contact =       @address =     else       @user = params[:user]       @contact = params[:contact]       @address = params[:address]       Address.transaction do!         @contact.address_id =!         @user.contact_id =!       end       session[:user_id] =       render :action => :registered     end     #rescue   end

and the template's code is:

<% @page_title = 'register'%> <%= error_messages_for 'user' %> <%= error_messages_for 'contact' %> <%= error_messages_for 'address' %> <%= form_tag %> <p>name:<br /> <%= select 'contact', 'title', %w{ Mr Miss Mrs Ms Dr Prof Sir } %> <%= text_field 'contact', 'firstname', :size => 15 %> <%= text_field 'contact', 'lastname', :size => 15 %> <p>phone:<br /> <%= text_field 'contact', 'phone', :size => 10 %> <p>email: <span class="note">(needed to login to this site)</span><br /><%= text_field 'user', 'email', :size => 20 %></p> <p>password:<br /><%= password_field 'user', 'password', :size => 10 %></p> <p>address:<br /> <%= text_field 'address', 'line1', :size => 20 %><br /> <%= text_field 'address', 'line2', :size => 20 %><br /> <%= text_field 'address', 'town', :size => 20 %><br /> <%= text_field 'address', 'county', :size => 20 %><br /> <%= text_field 'address', 'postcode', :size => 10 %><br /> <p><%= submit_tag 'register' %></p> <%= end_form_tag %>