Moving multiple attributes to a new table - please help!

The very words 'copy attributes' should send shivers down your spine as a Rails developer. It really sounds like what you've got is a third object that is related to packages and receipts -- user/person/ addressee or something of that sort. I'd think something like:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base   has_many :packages   has_many :receipts   ... end (the class above carries the data you want to copy -- name fields, etc)

class AddPackage < ActiveRecord::Base   belongs_to :user   .. end

class Receipt < ActiveRecord::Base   belongs_to :user   ... end

Your User class could have a method that "transfers" the item from "Inventory" (I don't see any class relationship for that) to Receipts:

def signed_for(add_package)   self.receipts.create(:add_package_id =>, :picked_up_at =>   # some code to remove add_package from inventory end

Note: It's MUCH better to put this type of business logic in the model and not the controller.

HTH, Andy