I'm using restful_authentication with the latest version of RoR.
There are some actions that a user can only access if he is logged
in. So I'm putting this check in my code:
def new
if logged_in?
@user = User.find(session[:user_id])
@ec_order = EcOrder.new
1.times { @ec_order.ec_line_items.build }
flash[:notice] = "You must be logged in to access this
redirect_to :controller => "register", :action =>
I am repeatedly including this "if logged_in?" action in many actions,
and in some cases every action in a controller has this. What's a
better way to do this?
If you're using the login_required before_filter, you can override
#authorized? to determine what actions that user can access. Just
return false if they don't have access and it'll trigger the
access_denied method.
You can also put it in your application controller (without
the :except part), just make sure you skip this rule in the
controllers that you need to actually login.