Anyone have any suggested tools or plugins to monitor a rail application in production?
What kind of monitoring do you need to do? We use nagios to monitor uptime.
Many people use monit with success. This also looks promising:
I need to monitor the 'health' of the application more then just uptime. What do others monitor in production rails applications besides uptime? Matt
I've not tried many, but monit(already mentioned) is pretty slick -
plus it provides a dsl to heal broken services.
check process mongrel-8000 with pidfile /var/www/the-soup/shared/log/
start program = "/usr/local/bin/ruby /usr/bin/mongrel_rails
start --user deploy --group mongrel -e production -d -c /var/www/the-
soup/current/ -p 8000 -P /var/www/the-soup/current/log/mongrel. -r /var/www/the-soup/current/public/"
stop program = "/usr/local/bin/ruby /usr/bin/mongrel_rails stop -
c /var/www/the-soup/current/ -p 8000 -P /var/www/the-soup/current/log/"
if totalmem > 85.0 MB for 5 cycles then restart if failed port 8000 protocol http with timeout 10 seconds then restart group www
Plus also provides an http service for stats monitoring and control.
Cheers, Jodi General Partner The nNovation Group inc.