money gem question


If I use the money gem for storing amounts of money which can be payed by a user, can I also do calculations on it .


Does the documentation for the gem help [1]? It does not seem to me that it 'stores' amounts of money.

[1] Money by RubyMoney


Hello Colin,

Sorry for the confusion but I mean this one :


Hello Colin,

Sorry for the confusion but I mean this one : GitHub - RubyMoney/money-rails: Integration of RubyMoney - Money with Rails

The first line of the introduction says that it provides integration with Rails for the gem that I linked to.



So first the first one I can make my model and save it and with the second I can do the calculation ?



So first the first one I can make my model and save it and with the second I can do the calculation ?

Please don't top post, insert your comments at appropriate point(s) in previous message. Thanks.

I have never used them, I have just spent one minute looking at the docs. The answer appears to be yes. What is it in the docs that is not clear to you?
