module loading issue

Trying to keep things organized I created a directory under app called modules. In my env file I did what I did for my other directories:

config.load_paths += Dir[ "#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/modules/**" ]

Here is the top of my module:

module Sanitize   module Html     def self.included(base)       base.extend(ClassMethods)     end

I have an initializer that does this: include HtmlSanitize

When I boot up it says unitilialized constant "HtmlSanitize"

What am I missing?

Trying to keep things organized I created a directory under app called modules. In my env file I did what I did for my other directories:

config.load_paths += Dir[ "#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/modules/**" ]

Here is the top of my module:

module Sanitize module Html def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end

I have an initializer that does this: include HtmlSanitize

When I boot up it says unitilialized constant "HtmlSanitize"

You don't have a module called HtmlSanitise ( you do have Sanitize::Html but that's completely different)


Fred, do the initializer files get called before the environment.rb on boot?