I ve read in the french version of "agile web developement with rails"
that the default layout for controller "my_controller" is the file
"my_controller_layout.rhtml" located in "views/layout"
but I think the file must be named " my_controller.rhtml" ...
(website define the module (=website) of the controller of the action
which must be rendered)
With this trick I can have
- an application format for all controllers of my applications
- a "module partial format" for each modules (= each websites of my
- a format for each actions
If your controllers derive from application.rb then they share the
application.rhtml layout. To have module level layouts you create a
base_controller.rb in the module and derive all that modules
controllers from base. In base you specify
layout 'modulex'
to use the modulex.rhtml layout. However that overrides the use of
application.rhtml layout