Does anyone know of a tool or script that can parse the contents of the models folder and produce some sort of model relationship document, either a text summary or graphical representation?
Thanks, Andrew.
Does anyone know of a tool or script that can parse the contents of the models folder and produce some sort of model relationship document, either a text summary or graphical representation?
Thanks, Andrew.
I've found a solution but wanted to post the answer just in case it is of interest to anyone else.
Check this link for a very concise looking script that outputs in Graphviz DOT format.
Hi Andrew,
Andrew Edwards wrote:
I've found a solution but wanted to post the answer just in case it is of interest to anyone else.
Check this link for a very concise looking script that outputs in Graphviz DOT format.
That looks like it could come in handy. Thanks for posting it.
Best regards, Bill
I'll throw my own gem into the pot here, I build on the ideas that Matt has to produce model_graph:
IMHO, It does a much better job of depicting relationships. (And I *know* that a legend would be helpful, it's coming,... really!)
It also produces a DOT file that is best viewed with Graphviz, but can also be viewed with OmniGraffle (although the edge decorations aren't nearly supported as well).
Rob Biedenharn http://agileconsultingllc.com Rob@AgileConsultingLLC.com
Hi Rob,
Rob Biedenharn wrote:
I'll throw my own gem into the pot here, I build on the ideas that Matt has to produce model_graph:
Cool! Thanks for sharing it.
Best regards, Bill