Model validation breaking integration test

Greetings, I have a simple model called "Section" with integration tests that pass. However, when I add a simple validation to the model (validates_presence_of :name) the integration test fails. This makes no sense to me because I am passing in a name.

Does anyone know why that validation breaks my integration test?


require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../test_helper"

class SectionsTest < ActionController::IntegrationTest

  fixtures :sections

  def test_user_creates_new_section     #Navigate to new Section form     get '/sections/new'     assert_response :success

    #Submit new Section form with params     post '/sections/create', :name => sections(:Home).name     assert_response :redirect     follow_redirect!

    #Test that Section was created successfully and user was redirected to show page     assert_template 'sections/show'     assert_equal 'Section was successfully created.', flash[:notice]

  end end

MODEL CODE class Section < ActiveRecord::Base   has_many :pages

  before_create :set_create_user   before_save :set_modified_user

  validates_presence_of :name #Adding this line causes the integration test above fail   validates_uniqueness_of :name


  def set_create_user     self.created_by = 1   end

  def set_modified_user     self.modified_by = 2   end end

Thanks for any help you can provide!

Greetings, I have a simple model called "Section" with integration tests that pass. However, when I add a simple validation to the model (validates_presence_of :name) the integration test fails. This makes no sense to me because I am passing in a name.

Does anyone know why that validation breaks my integration test?

Because you've also got a validates_uniqueness_of and you're reusing
the name of an existing section.


Thanks for the reply, Frederick.

However, if I remove the validates_presence_of validation then the Section can be saved without a name. Is there a different way I should validating that the :name exists and is :unique?

Thanks again. -B

Oh, I misunderstood your reply. My apologies. I now see that you're saying that the validates_uniqueness_of is the validation that is throwing the error because I am using a Section from the Fixtures.

However, if I simply remove the validates_presence_of validation it works fine. In addition, it fails even if I don't use the fixtures and simply enter in a random string for the :name value.