! not saving and not throwing exception

Hi all,

I’ve hit something migrating from rails 2.0.2 to 2.2.2 and I’m wondering if it’s a bug or if there’s something I’m not aware of coming into play. I’ve abstracted the problem a little bit but it still reproduces with the abstracted example.

I’ve got a model called multi_save.

class CreateMultiSaves < ActiveRecord::Migration

def self.up create_table :multi_saves do |t| t.integer :id_dependant t.string :name t.string :name_dependant t.timestamps end end

def self.down drop_table :multi_saves

end end

class MultiSave < ActiveRecord::Base def id=(value)

    write_attribute :id, value
    write_attribute :id_dependant, value*5

def name=(value)
    write_attribute :name, value
    write_attribute :name_dependant, value + " rocks"



I’ve got a controller looking like:

class MultiSaveController < ApplicationController def create @object = end

def new
    @multi_save =[:multi_save])! # saves properly! # doesn't do anything


With this code in rails 2.0.2 the second call to save! sends an update statement to the database. In 2.2.2 the second call to save! issues no call to the database. After the first call to save the id_dependant fields gets properly as I would expect in both 2.0.2 and 2.2.2.