Model method disappear after first page request

I can't figure out why model methods disappear after the first page request? If I restart Webrick, I can load the page once, without error, but refresh the page, and I keep getting method missing errors. My code is extremely simple:

class LineItem < ActiveRecord::Base   belongs_to :order end

class Order < ActiveRecord::Base   has_many :line_items end

--> index.rhtml <%= %>

Error is like method "order" missing for <LineItem:#29932...

This is in development mode, Rails 1.2, Windows 2000, Webrick


What code do you have in your controller?


Nothing, except for the scaffold_resource inserted code, like respond_to html...

It's in the index action, and I'm using the REST architecture. My index.rhtml source is like: <% for acc in @user.accounts %>   <% for line_item in acc.line_items %>     <%= %>   <% end %> <% end %>

Note: You can pull back the line items by account, as each LineItem has an AccountID