migrtion with data

Hi     I have created a model Category Then in its migration file I have   def self.up     create_table :categories do |t|      t.column :name, :string, :limit=>80     end   end   def self.down     drop_table :categories   end

      Here before doing migrate I have to enter data to this since this is a master table.So I have to enter data     id name      1 category1      2 category2      3 category3

         Could you please tell how I can do this?Is this possible.And also what shud be there in self.down method?

Thanks in advance Sijo

ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute (“insert into categories (id,name) values(1,‘categody1’),(2,“category2”);”)

Not sure I entirely understand you, but, after the create_table you could do:

Category.create(:name => "category1") Category.create(:name => "category2") Category.create(:name => "category3")

and in the down do Category.delete_all

Thanks for all the reply