migrating data to multiple tables?


I'm trying to create a data migration for a new project I'm working on. I have numerous tables and would like to be able to populate the MySql db with test data.

I get the data to appear in the tables but the linking (has_many, has_one, etc.) don't seem to connect to each record properly. The area I'm talking about is the id field of each record. I can get the linking of the tables but the id of the records are starting from 15 of so each time.

Knowing what is wrong without seeing the migrations is difficult, but you can reset the auto_increment value on a table: ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute "ALTER TABLE people AUTO_INCREMENT = 1;"

It sounds like the auto_incrementing is continuing, but that shouldn't happen if you're completely dropping your tables by going down to database version 0.

Hope that helps, Dan Manges http://www.dcmanges.com