Hi folks
Let's say i have these methods, and i want to abstract them into a bit of metaprogramming, for dryness' sake:
def water_score_for(year) self.send("ratings.water.#{year}.collect(&:score).sum") end
def possible_water_score_for(year) self.ratings.water.#{year}.size * 2 end
def sanitation_score_for(year) self.send("ratings.sanitation.#{year}.collect(&:score).sum") end
def possible_sanitation_score_for(year) self.ratings.sanitation.#{year}.size * 2 end
I'm trying to do this via 'define_method': here's my code:
#defined elsewhere #PolicyIndicator::SECTORS = ["water", "sanitation"]
PolicyIndicator::SECTORS.each do |sector| self.send(:define_method, "#{sector}_score_for".to_sym) do |year| self.send("ratings").send("#{sector}").send("for_#{year}").collect(&:score).sum end
self.send(:define_method, "possible_#{sector}_score_for".to_sym) do
self.send("ratings").send("#{sector}").send("for_#{year}").size * 2 end end Now, this works fine in the console:
country = Country.find(:first)
=> #<Country id: 1, region_id: 1, name: "Nigeria", created_at: "2009-04-21 08:39:09", updated_at: "2009-04-22 16:24:29", sanitation_coverage: 62.0, water_coverage: 45.0, hdi: 0.405497, population_millions: 46.0, child_mortality: 52.0, gdp: 13724.8>
=> 9
But when i run a spec that makes a country, makes some ratings, associates them with the country and call the method on it, i get this error back:
undefined method `for_2009' for #<Array:0xb70cd19c> (__DELEGATION__):2:in `__send__' (__DELEGATION__):2:in `with_scope' (__DELEGATION__):2:in `__send__' (__DELEGATION__):2:in `with_scope' /home/max/work/washwatch_container/washwatch/app/models/country.rb:11:in `send'
the line (country.rb:11) in question is this: self.send("ratings").send("#{sector}").send("for_#{year}").collect(&:score).sum
It seems to be falling over on the named scopes on the Rating class, so i guess maybe i'm not using 'send' int he optimal way. However, it seems to work perfectly in the console - checking my log file, the correct, optimised sql query is being called.
Can anyone help? thanks max