Maximum for has_many relationship?

Im wondering, is there a way to set a limit/maximum for the number of objects saved in a has_many relationship? For example, I have Users that have a has_many relationship with the model BaseballCards. Is there a built-in model function to make it so that a User cannot add more than 1000 baseball cards?

If not, what would be the best way to go about setting this restriction? It seems one could add a baseball_card_total column to the users table and keep adjusting this column accordingly or perform a search for the total before every save?

Im wondering, is there a way to set a limit/maximum for the number of

objects saved in a has_many relationship? For example, I have Users

that have a has_many relationship with the model BaseballCards. Is

there a built-in model function to make it so that a User cannot add

more than 1000 baseball cards?

If not, what would be the best way to go about setting this

restriction? It seems one could add a baseball_card_total column to

the users table and keep adjusting this column accordingly or perform

a search for the total before every save?

Hi, you can create a counter_cache to the belongs_to of the BaseballCard

model. For example,

class User < Activerecord::Base

has_may :baseball_cards


class BaseballCard < Activerecord::Base

belongs_to :user, :counter_cache => true


Next, you’ll need to update the users table to contain the following field:


Thus, your migration for adding such a field will look something like this:


class AddBaseballCardsCountToUsers < Activerecord::Migration

def self.up

add_column :users, :baseball_cards_count, :integer, :default => 0


def self.down

remove_column :users, :baseball_cards_count



Now, you can access the counter_cache as following to check the card total:


Finally, I would recommend reading more about the counter_cache in AWDwR 3rd


Good luck,
