mapping parameter in a RESTful route


Is it possible to define a RESTful route like “map.resources :projects” having the id parameter mapped to params[:project_id] instead of params[:id]?

I searched in but could not find an option for this.

Regards, Florent

Florent Florent wrote:

Is it possible to define a RESTful route like "map.resources :projects" having the id parameter mapped to params[:project_id] instead of params[:id]?

If I understand your questions correctly this screencast from Ryan Bates might help:

It may not be exactly what you're looking for, but it might help you get there.

Thanks Robert for your answer, even if it was not what I was looking for. Anyway meanwhile I found an alternative solution to my problem, and had no more to have the id parameter mapped to params[:project_id] instead of params[:id]?
