malformed XML

Hey all,

rails 2.1

When I do this from the controller:

  render :xml => @address.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity

  I get a malformed root node in the XML

  <active-record/errors type="array"> ... </active-record/errors> # note the extra slashes

However when I do this in the console:


  I get the following which seems fine:

  <errors> ... </errors>

Any ideas on why the discrepancy and perhaps a fix for the controller bit?

Thanks in advance! Tim

Tim wrote:

Hey all,

rails 2.1


Any ideas on why the discrepancy and perhaps a fix for the controller bit?

Odd. I just tried this out of curiosity in Rails 2.3.3 and it worked as expected:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <errors>   <error>Title can't be bland</error> </errors>

A Rails 2.1 bug possibly??

Robert Walker wrote:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <errors>   <error>Title can't be bland</error>

Obviously, titles must be interesting to be accepted. hehe. Sorry, I meant to type "blank."