True but comparing the windows "shell" to a real shell in UNIX/Linux/Macs
is like comparing a Ford Escort to a luxury Cadillac. Sorry, the Windows
"shell" is truly godawful.
This seems very opinion based... why? Personally I've never found a
rails-related command that you can use in a unix system that you can't
use in windows. The only differences I have noticed is that you can
run unix specific commands like top or ps or something, which isn't
really related to rails, and aren't needed in windows.
However, unix does have very good security! You can't do certain
naughty things without the sudo command, which on a server is great,
but I hate it on a development box because it just means that I have
to type the same command twice when I need it (definately not DRY). I
usually try to rid myself of as many barriers as possible on a
development box.
Yeah, clicking through a menu in Ubuntu is so much harder than clicking
through a menu in Windows or Mac. NOT.
Sure, the menu systems are pretty easy, I was more thinking of side
cases, like monitors for example. When you are configuring the
resolutions for your monitors you need to edit a config file. Hardly
something I'd leave up to my mother to do for herself.
I gave some examples of third party software didn't work. What happens
now? You can't ring support and complain, because unix users are
supposed to be smart enough to fix it themselves. You can be assured
that no one is running around frantically trying to fix it (like I
said, flash player was broken for months). No one is trying to fix it
because they expect people to fix it themselves, and frankly they're
not losing any money by putting it off. So, how do you fix it? You get
the latest source, link it, compile it, etc. Would I expect my mother
to do that?
> I switch monitors twice a day
> (work and home) with different resolutions
I have a laptop, I like to connect it to a large external monitor when
I am using it for sustained periods of time, this is work and home,
and I have different sized monitors at each.
> , that was just craaaaaazy.
> I never quite got the hang of it...
...or never bothered to learn about.
This is true, I never learned about it. Still, I prefer not to have to
edit a config file every time I connect my laptop to a new monitor or
> That's my 2c! Correct me if anything I said was wrong
I just did
You did? When I said that I was inviting people to make constructive
points. Not just flame. Don't be a hater man