# Need a little push in the right direction.
@prices = [
"amazon_new" => [
"image" => "imageurl.com",
"url" => "bookurl.com",
"price" => 45.55
"amazon_used" => [
"image" => "2ndImageUrl.com",
"url" => "2ndbookurl.com",
"price" => 67.45
@prices.each do |p|
p.each do |x|
# Can't convert string into integer.
# Need a little push in the right direction. @prices = [ "amazon_new" => [ "image" => "imageurl.com", "url" => "bookurl.com", "price" => 45.55 ],
"amazon_used" => [ "image" => "2ndImageUrl.com", "url" => "2ndbookurl.com", "price" => 67.45 ] ]
@prices.each do |p| p.each do |x| x["image"] # Can't convert string into integer.
You get this error when you try to access an array as a hash. ie
array = (1..4).to_a array['image'] # can't convert string into integer
try to look again at how @prices is declared. judging from the code you pasted, you want @prices to be a hash but it's using square braces.
You are mixing up arrays and hashes. Below is an all hash example.
@prices = {
"amazon_new" => {
"image" => "imageurl.com",
"url" => "bookurl.com",
"price" => 45.55
"amazon_used" => {
"image" => "2ndImageUrl.com",
"url" => "2ndbookurl.com",
"price" => 67.45
@prices.each_pair do |type, data|
puts "#{type} : #{data['image']}"
and here is an array / hash example
@prices = [
"image" => "imageurl.com",
"url" => "bookurl.com",
"price" => 45.55
"image" => "2ndImageUrl.com",
"url" => "2ndbookurl.com",
"price" => 67.45
@prices.each do |data|
puts data['image']