The Lone Star Ruby Conference is being renamed. We are now LSTC, the Lone Star Twitter Conference.
We are accepting submissions for talks that have anything to do with Twitter, tweets, twitter-mania, you name it.
We also have new keynote speakers. This year we will have Oprah and Ashton Kutcher as our keynote speakers.
It should be an exciting conference!
Okay, now that I have your attention, the deadline for speaker submissions is getting close. There are just over 10 days, 7 hours remaining before the deadline on May 2 to submit a proposal.
If you plan on submitting a proposal, please use the link below. As usual, speakers get full access to the conference and training at no charge.
We look forward to seeing you at the conference in August. Please feel free to email us with your suggestions on how we can make this your best conference of 2009.