London Ruby User Group - 10th September 2007

Hi all,

The next London Ruby User Group meeting is on this coming Monday:

Time: 6:30pm onwards Location: the Skills Matter offices at 1 Sekeford Street, EC1R 0BEL[1]

Closest tube: Farringdon


Stephen Bartholomew will talk about his StaticMatic gem and the technologies it uses, such as Haml & Sass. Tom Armitage will talk about building DIY interfaces to crappy websites using Merb, Hpricot and rubytoc. Then, of course, we’ll retreat to The Crown Tavern[2] round the corner to continue the discussion well into the night.

The LRUG site[3] has more details if you want them. If you are planning to come, please do our hosts Skills Matter the honour of registering[4] with them so they can arrange the room properly.



[1] [

Google Maps](Google Maps) [2] [3] [4]