List of cities in a state

for those whom it may concern, I created a simple ruby gem called “city-state” that returns a list of states in a country and also a list of cities/towns in a state. It simple like that:


=> {:AK=>“Alaska”, :AL=>“Alabama”, :AR=>“Arkansas”, :AZ=>“Arizona”, :CA=>“California”, :CO=>“Colorado”, :CT=>“Connecticut”, :DC=>“District of Columbia”, :DE=>“Delaware”, :FL=>“Florida”, :GA=>“Georgia”, :HI=>“Hawaii”, :IA=>“Iowa”, :ID=>“Idaho”, :IL=>“Illinois”, :IN=>“Indiana”, :KS=>“Kansas”, :KY=>“Kentucky”, :LA=>“Louisiana”, :MA=>“Massachusetts”, :MD=>“Maryland”, :ME=>“Maine”, :MI=>“Michigan”, :MN=>“Minnesota”, :MO=>“Missouri”, :MS=>“Mississippi”, :MT=>“Montana”, :NC=>“North Carolina”, :ND=>“North Dakota”, :NE=>“Nebraska”, :NH=>“New Hampshire”, :NJ=>“New Jersey”, :NM=>“New Mexico”, :NV=>“Nevada”, :NY=>“New York”, :OH=>“Ohio”, :OK=>“Oklahoma”, :OR=>“Oregon”, :PA=>“Pennsylvania”, :RI=>“Rhode Island”, :SC=>“South Carolina”, :SD=>“South Dakota”, :TN=>“Tennessee”, :TX=>“Texas”, :UT=>“Utah”, :VA=>“Virginia”, :VT=>“Vermont”, :WA=>“Washington”, :WI=>“Wisconsin”, :WV=>“West Virginia”, :WY=>“Wyoming”}

CS.cities(:ak, :us)

=> [“Adak”, “Akhiok”, “Akiachak”, “Akiak”, “Akutan”, “Alakanuk”, “Ambler”, “Anchor Point”, “Anchorage”, “Angoon”, “Atqasuk”, “Barrow”, “Bell Island Hot Springs”, “Bethel”, “Big Lake”, “Buckland”, “Chefornak”, “Chevak”, “Chicken”, “Chugiak”, “Coffman Cove”, “Cooper Landing”, “Copper Center”, “Cordova”, “Craig”, “Deltana”, “Dillingham”, “Douglas”, “Dutch Harbor”, “Eagle River”, “Eielson Air Force Base”, “Fairbanks”, “Fairbanks North Star Borough”, “Fort Greely”, “Fort Richardson”, “Galena”, “Girdwood”, “Goodnews Bay”, “Haines”, “Homer”, “Hooper Bay”, “Juneau”, “Kake”, “Kaktovik”, “Kalskag”, “Kenai”, “Ketchikan”, “Kiana”, “King Cove”, “King Salmon”, “Kipnuk”, “Klawock”, “Kodiak”, “Kongiganak”, “Kotlik”, “Koyuk”, “Kwethluk”, “Levelock”, “Manokotak”, “May Creek”, “Mekoryuk”, “Metlakatla”, “Mountain Village”, “Nabesna”, “Naknek”, “Nazan Village”, “Nenana”, “New Stuyahok”, “Nikiski”, “Ninilchik”, “Noatak”, “Nome”, “Nondalton”, “Noorvik”, “North Pole”, “Northway”, “Old Kotzebue”, “Palmer”, “Pedro Bay”, “Petersburg”, “Pilot Station”, “Point Hope”, “Point Lay”, “Prudhoe Bay”, “Russian Mission”, “Sand Point”, “Scammon Bay”, “Selawik”, “Seward”, “Shungnak”, “Sitka”, “Skaguay”, “Soldotna”, “Stebbins”, “Sterling”, “Sutton”, “Talkeetna”, “Teller”, “Thorne Bay”, “Togiak”, “Tok”, “Toksook Bay”, “Tuntutuliak”, “Two Rivers”, “Unalakleet”, “Unalaska”, “Valdez”, “Wainwright”, “Wasilla”]


It works with every country of the world and can be easily updated with a CS.update command.

I know this is a ridiculously simple, but:

  1. IDK in another countries, but in mine, it’s common to ask to the users this type of information in forms

  2. I never find a gem that do this, so I have to hardcode a list of states every time that I need for a project

If you find a bug you can notify me in the page of the project:

Thanks for the attention.

Have you seen this one? GitHub - realadeel/carmen-rails: Rails adapter for Carmen (provides country_select and subregion_select) I've used it a couple of times, but I will give yours a try as well.



Em domingo, 8 de fevereiro de 2015 22:27:38 UTC-2, Walter Lee Davis wrote:

Have you seen this one? I’ve used it a couple of times, but I will give yours a try as well.

Ouch, that awkward moment that you realize that someone already done what you just made - this would save me some time :stuck_out_tongue:

I think the carmen interface is better than mine, but in my defense, carmen doesn’t provide a list of cities nor have a update mechanism. In my country new cities are created weekly, so its necessary to maintain the base updated. But its good to know this gem, and I will be glad if you know if there’s a gem that provides a list of cities too.


The big scary comment from the carmen repo owner makes me a bit leery of using carmen, though with 200+ forks, it looks like it won’t be going away anytime soon, either.

I’ve used MaxMind’s database with other languages (perl) and I know it’s good, too. I’m happier letting someone else manage the collection and dissemination of geographic data that I can update, than needing to update a gem for data updates.

I think the biggest wins, by far, are the cities and the update mechanism.