I have been using link_to_remote forever now. I have also been using
jquery through jrails.
I am readying my code for Rails 3.0, and am wondering what is the best
way to accomplish.
For example, I have something like this all over in Rails 2.0
<%= link_to_remote “XXX”,
{ :url => "/activities/hide_dock", :update =>
“dock-container”, :complete => “fixDock()” }, { :class => “activities” }
Sharkie, I would recommend reading the following first before you start
upgrading from Rails 2.x to Rails 3.x:
Next, link_to_remote has been deprecated in Rails 3 and you would
need to do the following:
<%= link_to “XXX”, { :remote => true }, { … } %>
def hide_dock
render :partial => “/layouts/dock”
Now, in Rails 3.0 I am planning this
<%= raw link_to “XXX”, “/activities/hide_dock”,
{:remote => true, :class => "activities" }
Next, the above shouldn’t use raw because link_to method
returns an html_safe string in Rails 3.
def hide_dock
respond_to do |format|
format.js do
????? What do I put here ?????
If you’re using RJS, then you’ll simple add
the expression to be executed. For example,
I tend to be partial to JSON and I would do the
format.js # render the action.js.rjs by default
or you can redefine it as follows to return json
format.js { render :json => @some_object }
It’s not clear as to what you’re trying to do. The hide_dock is a controller
action so do you want to allow the following:
My main question is since I am using jQuery, is there any point in using
If you intend on using jQuery, then there’s no need to use RJS. Just make
sure that you get the JS file here:
Should I just have
render :layout => false
If you’re updating just a part of the page, then you’ll need to use the above.
and in hide_dock.js.erb just use jQuery code with <%= render :partial
=>%> where appropriate.
Lastly, I would recommend getting the PDF for "Agile Web Development with
Rails 4th Ed" by Sam Ruby, Dave Thomas, et al from pragprog.com for additional
information regarding the questions that you have above.
Good luck,