link_to_remote problem

view: <%= link_to_remote "#{post.title}", :url => { :controller=>:threads, :action=>:show_content, :id=>} %>

controller: def show_content     @post = Post.find_by_id params[:id]     respond_to do |format|           format.html { redirect_to_index}           format.js       end   end

rjs: page.replace_html "#{}_content", " dsf", :object => @post

When I click on the link_to_remote, I get RJS error [Object error]. The link I click is id "364_content", and the error is "Element.update('364_content', 'dsf')"

What's the problem? =|


Oh yah, and here's what I'm trying to update: for post in @posts... ... <div id="#{}_content"></div> in the view. ...