link_to not asking confirmation (js)

Hi, I have this link_to helper

<%= link_to "edit", :action => 'edit', :id => @pirate, :confirm => 'should edit?' %>

It should (in order to what I read in apidock) prompt me for confirmation via javascript confirm, but it doesn't.

Any idea why?

Also when I set the :id attribute, either @pirate or work... why is that, and what's the preferred form?


Hi, I have this link_to helper

<%= link_to "edit", :action => 'edit', :id => @pirate, :confirm => 'should edit?' %>

It should (in order to what I read in apidock) prompt me for confirmation via javascript confirm, but it doesn't.

If you check the html generated you'll noticed that the url has a confirm parameter. If you check apidoc again you'll see that the confirm option needs to be passed in the second options hash, ie link_to 'blah', {options for url}, {other stuff here}

Any idea why?

Also when I set the :id attribute, either @pirate or work... why is that, and what's the preferred form?

Because if you pass an activerecord object as the :id for a url rails calls to_param on it, which by default returns id. The preferred form these days would be to have the appropriate routes and do link_to 'edit', edit_pirate_path(@pirate)


Thanks so much, I was passing the args in the wrong order as you stated.