link_to and firefox

I ve got the following in my code: link_to "Prev Month" , {:controller => "rind_kalender", :action => "index", :planday => h(@plan_day << 1)} , :class => "prevMonth"

controller and action are my default controller and action in routes.rb

The generated html code for the link looks like: <a class="prefMonth" href="/?planday=15.12.2007">Prev Month</a>

Unfortunetly, Firefox ( does not allow me to click on that link. The link is working in IE 7.

Has anybody similar experiences? Is there anything wrong with my link_to statement?

<a class="prefMonth" href="/?planday=15.12.2007">Prev Month</a>

Unfortunetly, Firefox ( does not allow me to click on that link. The link is working in IE 7.

Has anybody similar experiences? Is there anything wrong with my link_to statement?

there shouldn't be any connection to the ruby u wrote. if it generated html (which, as u posted, it did) the problem lies in other issues such as css / other browser compatabilities annoyances -

(general advice - download firebug addon for firefox, makes life amazingly better)

check to see if there isn't some z-index issue (css) that has a layer above the link which blocks it / etc . the answer lies within

good luck s

check to see if there isn't some z-index issue (css) that has a layer above the link which blocks it / etc . the answer lies within

Unfortunelty, I ve still got no solution. css throws no errors. no js errors. I m not using z-index on my page. I ve set a z-index for my links but still... they are not reacting to my mouse clicks.

IE 7.0 is working....

Any further ideas?

Thanks a lot in advance.