"Link" in API doesn't do anything

Going to http://api.rubyonrails.org/ today, looking up “submit” and I tried to click the “Link” heading… which did nothing.

It’d be nice if this would actually change the URL so I’d be able to copy+paste it and give it to someone.

P.S. When are we redesigning api.rubyonrails.org?


Opening “Link” in a new tab gave me http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionView/Helpers/FormBuilder.html#method-i-submit - which is what you are looking for, from my understanding.

I’d rather not open it in a new tab.

Going to http://api.rubyonrails.org/ today, looking up "submit" and I tried

to click the "Link" heading... which did nothing.

It'd be nice if this would actually change the URL so I'd be able to copy+paste it and give it to someone.

I just copy the address from the contextual menu.

This is a crappy stopgap. We (as a community) are better than this. Come on guys!

This is a crappy stopgap.

I do not believe using the contextual menu for copy & paste the URL is a crappy stopgap.

On the other hand, you could say right-clicking is the most efficient way to copy & paste the target URL, is what the contextual menu is for, while following the link just to copy from the address bar is more debatable.

But, you know, I am *not* going to qualify the way you want to copy & paste links, I am *not* going to tell you is a crappy workflow. If you want to do it that way it is totally fine only SDoc requires you to option-click or something like that.