
I'm very new to RoR and am receiving the following error on rspec spec/

1) Layouts GET /layouts works! (now write some real specs)      Failure/Error: get layouts_path      NameError:        undefined local variable or method `layouts_path' for #<RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup::Nested_5::Nested_1:0x007f8adc382020>      # ./spec/requests/layouts_spec.rb:7:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'

My layouts_spec.rb looks like the following:

require 'spec_helper'

describe "Layouts" do   describe "GET /layouts" do     it "works! (now write some real specs)" do       # Run the generator again with the --webrat flag if you want to use webrat methods/matchers       get layouts_path       response.status.should be(200)     end   end end

Does anyone have an idea of the problem? Thanks in advance for any replies. Cheers.

What is the output of “rake routes” when you run it from a command line? Have you actually defined a layouts path?


rake routes output:

    users_new GET /users/new(.:format) users#new        signup /signup(.:format) users#new       contact /contact(.:format) pages#contact         about /about(.:format) pages#about          help /help(.:format) pages#help          root / pages#home    pages_home GET /pages/home(.:format) pages#home   pages_about GET /pages/about(.:format) pages#about pages_contact GET /pages/contact(.:format) pages#contact    pages_help GET /pages/help(.:format) pages#help

I'm running through a tutorial and I'm not sure I have defined the layouts path yet.

Where should I define the layouts path?

Thanks again.

You would need to specify this in your routes.rb file. If you post a link to the tutorial you are using, we can help you figure out where in the tutorial it has you defining that path.

I have the book and here's the link:


To save us searching, which section are you on?


Colin Law wrote in post #1080478:

I can't see any reference to your test layouts_spec.rb in that section,


Colin Law wrote in post #1080669:

This is actually a slightly different version of the tutorial. I'm on section 5.3 Layout links and the user sign up page.

I can't see any reference to your test layouts_spec.rb in that section,


I'm having a hard time finding the Ruby on Rails 3 Tutorial online. Is there a different avenue of trouble shooting for this error? The local variable in layouts_spec.rb is layouts_path and I've looked back through the book for the layouts_spec.rb file but have found nothing.

Should I just remove this file or move it to a different location?

Is this a necessary file? I removed it and the page still functions and the tests pass.

I'm just curious where the file came from because I assume it was auto generated and if removing it will be a problem or cause errors later on down the line?

Thanks, Drew

Colin Law wrote in post #1080669:

This is actually a slightly different version of the tutorial. I'm on section 5.3 Layout links and the user sign up page.

I can't see any reference to your test layouts_spec.rb in that section,


I'm having a hard time finding the Ruby on Rails 3 Tutorial online.

I believe the link I provided is to that tutorial.

Is there a different avenue of trouble shooting for this error? The local variable in layouts_spec.rb is layouts_path and I've looked back through the book for the layouts_spec.rb file but have found nothing.

Should I just remove this file or move it to a different location?

Is this a necessary file? I removed it and the page still functions and the tests pass.

I'm just curious where the file came from because I assume it was auto generated and if removing it will be a problem or cause errors later on down the line?

Well I certainly have not idea where it came from. Are you using git (or similar) for version control of your code? If not then you should be. Then you would know when it was created. The file certainly looks like something you do not want since you have no model called Layout, and I suspect it would be a bad idea to have one. Just delete it and carry on.
