kind_of? and superclass

Hi :slight_smile:

In my application, I would like to know if a class is a subclass of ApplicationController, I mean, if a class is a controller.

I thought about this kind of code:

klass = classname while klass && klass != ApplicationController   klass = klass.superclass end

It's working well but I'm wondering if there is a way to use the ruby fonction kind_of? to do it well. Actually, when I want to check if (for example) UsersController is a controller, I write: UsersController.kind_of?(ApplicationController), but it doesn't work at all. Do you have any ideas why ? Or do you know a better solution to handle it ?

Thanks :slight_smile: Have a nice day

object.kind_of?(class) tests if object is an instance of class or one of it's superclasses, UserController is an instance of it's metaclass so it isn't an instance of ApplicationConrtroller or one of it's subclasses.

Use the Module#< method

UsersController < ApplicationController

which returns true if the argument is one of the receivers ancestors, there is also Module#<= which also returns true if the receiver is equal to the argument as well.