JS response -pls help somebody

Hi all, Pls help to find a solution :

i have a form like following <%= form_for @product , :url => products_url(:format => 'js'), :html =>{:id=>"create_product_form" ,:multipart => true,:remote=>true} do |f| %>

what i have to do is like when submiting form i have to redirect to new page else want to execute js like following

def create if @product.save redirect_to new_product_path else respond_to do |format|     format.js end end

Here my issue i cant redirect_to new_products_path... what may be my mistake ?? redirection is happening in console. but not not in ui. whether is is because ajax call in form, how to redirect ??

Here my issue i cant redirect_to new_products_path… what may be my

mistake ?? redirection is happening in console. but not not in ui.

whether is is because ajax call in form, how to redirect ??

It’s because it’s an ajax call - doing a redirect just affects what data that ajax request returns (and it happens completely invisibly from the point of view of the thing making the ajax request). It won’t make the containing page reload.

If you are rendering JS then a straightforward way is for your response to contain window.location = …


Hi you can try

respond_to do |format| format.js { render :js => "window.location.replace('#{new_product_url}');" } end

Thanks Manoj Menon

lekha p. wrote in post #1130416: