javascript in html file


I have 2 views on which I am running some javascript for a rating:

from first view:

<script>   $(document).on('turbolinks:load', function() {     $('.star-rating').raty({       path: '/assets/',       readOnly: true,       score: function() {         return $(this).attr('data-score');       }     });   }); </script>

and second:

<script> $(document).on('turbolinks:load', function() {   $('#star-rating').raty({     path: '/assets/',     scoreName: 'review[rating]'   }); }); </script>

now here they work fine as is but, I don't want them in the html so I have moved them into

however, now on using browser forward and back buttons more stars are added every time I move back and forward with the browser(this doesn't happen if I leave them in the views)

I can't work out how to fix this (I also have the feeling I shouldn't be using turbolinks:load like this)

If anyone with decent javascript knowledge could point me in the right direction I'd be grateful..




I have 2 views on which I am running some javascript for a rating:

from first view:

<script> $(document).on('turbolinks:load', function() {    $('.star-rating').raty({      path: '/assets/',      readOnly: true,      score: function() {        return $(this).attr('data-score');      }    }); }); </script>

and second:

<script> $(document).on('turbolinks:load', function() { $('#star-rating').raty({    path: '/assets/',    scoreName: 'review[rating]' }); }); </script>

now here they work fine as is but, I don't want them in the html so I have moved them into

however, now on using browser forward and back buttons more stars are added every time I move back and forward with the browser(this doesn't happen if I leave them in the views)

You may want to modify the raty() method so that it will only initialize the object it is called on once. Set a semaphore on that object, and if it is present, fall through.
