even when it works, i must say that i find a little disorder. cuz, as i said before, this JS code is more ralated to the "view". so, i really think that this will be a better structure:
app/views/posts/edit.html.erb app/views/posts/new.html.erb app/views/posts/edit.js app/views/posts/new.js
¿is there an easy a way to make this structure? ¿how and where i must include these js files? ¿wich is the best rails practice for such a thing?
Rails doesn't really do much for you here - it's expecting js can be served out of the document root (ie the public folder) As far as I know you're pretty much on your own here. One way would be to have a rake task or similar that consolidates all of those small js files into a single all.js file which the user's browser can download and cache once and for all - only all.js would need to be in public/ javascripts