iterate through model

Hi there,

my problem is kind of difficult to explain but maybe simple to answer: I have a model (book) with author:string, title:string, id:integer and so on. If I do a query @book = Book.find(:id => 123) the result is an instance of book. Now I want to iterate through the key/value pairs of this instance, but as it is not a hash methods like "each" don't work.


<% @book.each do |k,v|%>         <tr>             <td><%= k %></td>             <td><%= v %></td>         </tr>     <% end %>

Can anyone please point me to the right direction?

Thanks and greetings Sven

@book.attributes.each do ....

@book.attributes.each do ....

Thanks a lot, Hassan, that was it!


Hi Sven,

Hi there,

my problem is kind of difficult to explain but maybe simple to answer: I have a model (book) with author:string, title:string, id:integer and so on. If I do a query @book = Book.find(:id => 123) the result is an instance of book. Now I want to iterate through the key/value pairs of this instance, but as it is not a hash methods like "each" don't work.


<% @book.each do |k,v|%> <tr> <td><%= k %></td> <td><%= v %></td> </tr> <% end %>

Can anyone please point me to the right direction?

I'm not sure why you want to do this as it will be much less readable than explicitly enumerating the fields.

Having said that, I'd recommend you take a look through the public methods for your instance variable (I've never used MongoDB). There's probably an equivalent to 'attribute_names' which returns an array of all column names in an AR model. If you were using AR you could iterate through the array for the 'keys' and use @book['k'] for the values.

HTH, Bill