issue with listing a form_for a collection

I have a @people instance variable that is the return from Person.find(:all)

I then want to have a revise.html that allows me to fill out one textfield with a number that I can then @people.update_all(:revision)

I try to do this:REVISION CHANGE

<% form_for @people do |f| %>   <%= f.error_messages %>   <p>     <%= f.label :version %><br />     <%= f.text_field :version %>   </p>

  <p>     <%= f.submit "Update" %>   </p> <% end %>

and it blows up on me with:

undefined method `person_person_person_person_person_person_person_person_path' for #<ActionView::Base:0x101688c90> Extracted source (around line #3):

1: REVISION CHANGE 2: 3: <% form_for @people do |f| %> 4: <%= f.error_messages %> 5: <p> 6: <%= f.label :version %><br />

Sorry Im confused by this helper and how it is trying to make the form.

theprojectabot wrote:

I have a @people instance variable that is the return from Person.find(:all)

I then want to have a revise.html that allows me to fill out one textfield with a number that I can then @people.update_all(:revision)

I try to do this:REVISION CHANGE

<% form_for @people do |f| %>

Try to use form_tag instead of form_for <% form_tag 'youraction', :method=>'yourmethod' %>

  <%= f.error_messages %>   <p>     <%= f.label :version %><br />     <%= f.text_field :version %>   </p>

  <p>     <%= f.submit "Update" %>   </p>

and label_tag, text_field_tag, submit_tag helpers, as well

You also may read fbout rails form helpers