Issue with FOR loop ?

My view rhtml contains the following

<% for contactaddress in @contact_address %>     <%= text_field "contactaddress", "addr_line1", "size" => 50 %></ <%end%>

In the above code @contactact_address contains several contact address objects. The for loop iterates each of them and tries to show the value of model attribute addr_line1 in the text input box.

The problem

In the rhtml it creates a text input field but it doesn't show value of addr_line1 in the text input box.

What is wrong here? Thanks in advance for your help....

Regards Venu

Try doing <% for @contactaddress in @contact_addresses %>

Ryan Bigg wrote:

Try doing <% for @contactaddress in @contact_addresses %>

of model attribute addr_line1 in the text input box. -- Posted via


-- Ryan Bigg Feel free to add me to MSN and/or GTalk as this email. instance variable won't be allowed....I got error message saying this.

Thanks Venu

My view rhtml contains the following

<% for contactaddress in @contact_address %>    <%= text_field "contactaddress", "addr_line1", "size" => 50 %></ <%end%>

In the above code @contactact_address contains several contact address objects. The for loop iterates each of them and tries to show the
value of model attribute addr_line1 in the text input box.

text_field expects the first parameer to be the name of an instance
variable. Either create an instance variable with that name, or use
text_field_tag or look into fields_for which allows you to escape that
