issue w helper

in one of my partials, I was using the following code (made it short..)

<ul id="list_works" class="works" style="height:248px; overflow: scroll;">   <% for work in @works %>       <li id="work_<%= -%>" ><p><%= work.title -%> </p></li>   <%= draggable_element "work_#{}", :revert => true %>   <% end %> </ul>

due to an issue with the overflow:scroll + drag/drop , I need to change the helper for a more complicated script, and I don't see how to set the id of the <li> , something like "work_<%= -%>" or "work_#{}" the script is the following : where xxx should be the

<script type="text/javascript">   if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") != -1) {   document.getElementById("list_works").style.position = "relative"; // needed so that draggables scroll     new Draggable('work_xxxx', { revert: true, ghosting: false,     onStart: function() { document.getElementById("list_works").style.position = "static"; },     onEnd: function() { document.getElementById("list_works").style.position = "relative"; }    });   }   else { new Draggable('work_xxx', { revert: true, ghosting: true }); }; </script>

btw this script runs well, and help drag an item from a overflow:scroll container above all other areas.... just need to load <script src=";&gt;&lt;/script&gt; before prototype and scriptaculous....

thanks for any clue .....