is this safe?

I am using an eval so I dont have to check avery case of a permission.

def folder_permission(folder_id, per) permissions = self.user_folder_permissions.find_by_folder_id(folder_id) return true unless permissions.blank? or not eval(“permissions.”+per) return false end

This function is called from private method in file controller.

def authorize_creating unless session[:user].folder_permision(params[:folder_id],“can_create”)[:folder_error] = “You don’t have create permissions for this folder.” redirect_to :controller => ‘file’, :action => ‘error’ and return false end end

So am I safe to use this, is this efficient for ruby?



I'd just write permissions.send(per) rather than use the eval. I don't think you're opening yourself up to anything super bad, but it seems like a big sledgehammer being used for a rather small nut.


Go with .send(per), but doesn't the structure of that hurt your head?!

def folder_permission(folder_id, per)    if permission = self.user_folder_permissions.find_by_folder_id(folder_id)      permission.send(per) rescue false    else      false    end end

Having that "unless A or not B" in there has got to be confusing (or it will be a month from now).


Rob Biedenharn

I'd consider a more radical refactoring (all untested of course):

in the models (I'm assuming the folder_permission method is in the User model based on the controller code, and there's a Permissions model):

class Permissions < ActiveRecord::Base

   class NoPermissions < Permissions           def can_not                 false           end          [:can_create, :can_read, :can_write].each {|meth| alias_method(meth, :can_not)}    end

   def Permissions.none        @no_permissions ||=    end end

class User < ActiveRecord::Base

  def permissions_for_folder(folder_id)     user_folder_permissions.find_by_folder_id(folder_id) || Permissions.none   end

And the controller method becomes:

  def authorize_creating     unless session[:user]. permissions_for_folder(params[:folder_id]).can_create)[:folder_error] = "You don't have create permissions for this folder."       redirect_to :controller => 'file', :action => 'error' and return false     end   end

I might also think about renaming the can_xx methods to something like allows_xxx? or permits_xxx? which would read a bit better I think.

Ok, thanks I like your aproach Rick but I dont quite get what your are doung there in the permissions model. My model actually looks like this:

Because params[:folder_id] contains the folder_id ?

Given your schema above, it does seem like you want to use Rick's approach of 1) get the permissions object, 2) ask it about the particular permission


What's the point in having those methods if you're going to bend over backwards to call them via eval or send? You may want to consider caching the retrieved permission object also.