Is this possible with Ruby on Rails?

Hi All,

I wonder if you could help me, I have a project for a web site which will allow users to log in, complete a questionnaire and then submit it.

It will have a MySQL DB to store user details and data etc.. all standard stuff. However I would like the following action to happen on submit.

1.) A file to be produced that will contain the data in table format that can be opened in Excel 2.) Bar chart type Graphs with a median, average, mode etc to be produced from the answers 3.) A PDF file to be made from the Graph page 4.) All this to be sent via email to an specific email address bases on the logon 5.) This should be done back end, all the user does is complete the questionnaire and submit, thats it they are done

I'm proficient in Java, but have only very recently decided to get into Ruby. I have a test server on my local pc Xampp (MySQL, Apache, PHP), Ruby etc all tested and working. Eclipse with the Aptana Ruby on Rails plug in

Thanks in advance Furnak

You should check out Ruport -

Hi All,

I wonder if you could help me, I have a project for a web site which will allow users to log in, complete a questionnaire and then submit it.

It will have a MySQL DB to store user details and data etc.. all standard stuff. However I would like the following action to happen on submit.

1.) A file to be produced that will contain the data in table format that can be opened in Excel

Creating a simple CSV or tab delimited file is easy.

2.) Bar chart type Graphs with a median, average, mode etc to be produced from the answers

There are several graphing libs available. Gruff being one of them.

3.) A PDF file to be made from the Graph page

Yup. There are PDF plugins.

4.) All this to be sent via email to an specific email address bases on the logon


5.) This should be done back end, all the user does is complete the questionnaire and submit, thats it they are done

Sure. If you need to, you can use backgroundrb or a Ruby daemon library.

Cheers mate,

How long does it take to transfer from Java to Ruby would you say, from test alots the same but others are substantially different.