is there a better DRY code writing for this scope ?

I wrote this scope in my Subdomain model :

scope :in_account, lambda { |account_id|

if account_id == “*”

where(“account_id >= ?”, 0)


where(account_id: account_id)



where account_id == ‘*’ then all subdomain instances are selected

when account_id is given , only subdomain instances in this account are selected

is there a better writing ?

thanks for feedback

I wrote this scope in my Subdomain model :

  scope :in_account, lambda { |account_id|     if account_id == "*"       where("account_id >= ?", 0)     else       where(account_id: account_id)     end   }

where account_id == '*' then all subdomain instances are selected when account_id is given , only subdomain instances in this account are selected

is there a better writing ?

you can use scoped instead

account_id == '*' ? scoped : where(account_id: account_id)

Great !

Thanks Jim


  scope :in_account, lambda { |account_id|     where(account_id: account_id) if account_id != "*"   }

If the conditional fails, this will just not interfere with the query.

If it's possible that account_id will be nil or blank (as on a page accessed w/o passing any params), tack "&& account_id.present?" onto the conditional.
