The described site (store, subscription pricing tiers, file uploads, 3rd party API(s) integration) with an unfamiliar stack in 1 month is not happening. Each of those items hides a devil in its details. Even with a familiar stack it’s unlikely to happen, unless your requirements are 100% clear up front (they almost never are).
If your experience is primarily with WYSIWYG site-building toolsets of Wordpress, this is not how back-end frameworks work. You will have to write a lot of code and figure out a lot of configuration.
There’s a way to do this in a month in a stack that you have zen-like familiarity with, including pre-existing knowledge of payment and subscription APIs, if you cut corners just right (static store, outsourcing all subscription/payment handling to the processor, single server deployment with local drive file uploads, very basic or outsourced user signup/signin, probably disregard tests, which can ironically slow you down as you will keep breaking stuff and retesting by hand, etc), but you basically have to spend the month working in a trance, and end up with an insecure mess of generated scaffold code that you only quarter-understand.
You have to be ruthlessly quick and dirty for it to happen in a month, so I don’t think this is happening.
If the deadline is real, to have any chance at hitting it, throw something together ASAP in whatever you know, then slowly migrate over to Rails once live.
The real advice is: make it 3 months, write it in a stack you know, then if you want to have fun — migrate it to Rails.
If a person comes to me and asks “I need to have this business running in X time, should I try this unfamiliar stack because it sounds really cool and fun?” the answer is absolutely no. If you say “I’m thinking about building a business, there’s no time constraint, but I’d like to enjoy learning while I’m building”, then go for it.