International character search.


I'm working on a program, and I need to do case-insensitive search with international characters on it, like:

ñáéíóúàèìòùäëïöü and so on.

Anyway, I found a way of implementing it, but I don't quite like it because it would implies create the autocomplete function for *each* autocomplete I have in my project.

The way of doing so I found is to change the condition from:

LOWER(column) like '%thing_downcased%'


column ~* 'thing_downcased'

and replacing the international characters for the [ñÑ] kind of expression, like this:

name ~* 'la [ñÑ]apa'

and it actually works (at least with postgresql), but then, I would need to do the substitution everytime I do a search, and I would need to reimplement the autocomplete function for each autocompletion with the new schema.

Any better idea?,


Ildefonso Camargo

Just to share a different approach, since you can't expect users to type accented words correctly, I usually store a normalized extra column (say name_normalized) for searches maintained in some Rails-way like filters, or store just the normalization of them in ferret. Then any query has to be normalized.

-- fxn

   # Utility method that retursn an ASCIIfied, downcased, and sanitized string.    # It relies on the Unicode Hacks plugin by means of String#chars. We assume    # $KCODE is 'u' in environment.rb. By now we support a wide range of latin    # accented letters, based on the Unicode Character Palette bundled in Macs.    def self.normalize(str)      n = str.chars.downcase.strip.to_s      n.gsub!(/[àáâãäåāąă]/u, 'a')      n.gsub!(/\s+/, ' ')      n.gsub!(/æ/u, 'ae')      n.gsub!(/[ďđ]/u, 'd')      n.gsub!(/[çćčĉċ]/u, 'c')      n.gsub!(/[èéêëēęěĕė]/u, 'e')      n.gsub!(/ƒ/u, 'f')      n.gsub!(/[ĝğġģ]/u, 'g')      n.gsub!(/[ĥħ]/, 'h')      n.gsub!(/[ììíîïīĩĭ]/u, 'i')      n.gsub!(/[įıijĵ]/u, 'j')      n.gsub!(/[ķĸ]/u, 'k')      n.gsub!(/[łľĺļŀ]/u, 'l')      n.gsub!(/[ñńňņʼnŋ]/u, 'n')      n.gsub!(/[òóôõöøōőŏŏ]/u, 'o')      n.gsub!(/œ/u, 'oe')      n.gsub!(/[ŕřŗ]/u, 'r')      n.gsub!(/[śšşŝș]/u, 's')      n.gsub!(/[ťţŧț]/u, 't')      n.gsub!(/[ùúûüūůűŭũų]/u, 'u')      n.gsub!(/ŵ/u, 'w')      n.gsub!(/[ýÿŷ]/u, 'y')      n.gsub!(/[žżź]/u, 'z')      n.gsub!(/[^\sa-z0-9_-]/, '')      n    end

Sweet! I've just been looking for a character conversion chart like this to add a filter to Ferret. In a future version of Ferret (coming very soon) this will be a lot easier and faster. I'll probably put an option on the StandardAnalyzer called :normalize_unicode or something.

Thanks Xavier, Dave


I noticed in the mail that a q-like character was among the a-like character class, I moved that out and send the normalizer again for the archives:

# Utility method that retursn an ASCIIfied, downcased, and sanitized string. # It relies on the Unicode Hacks plugin by means of String#chars. We assume # $KCODE is 'u' in environment.rb. By now we support a wide range of latin # accented letters, based on the Unicode Character Palette bundled in Macs. def self.normalize(str)    n = str.chars.downcase.strip.to_s    n.gsub!(/[àáâãäåāă]/u, 'a')    n.gsub!(/æ/u, 'ae')    n.gsub!(/[ďđ]/u, 'd')    n.gsub!(/[çćčĉċ]/u, 'c')    n.gsub!(/[èéêëēęěĕė]/u, 'e')    n.gsub!(/ƒ/u, 'f')    n.gsub!(/[ĝğġģ]/u, 'g')    n.gsub!(/[ĥħ]/, 'h')    n.gsub!(/[ììíîïīĩĭ]/u, 'i')    n.gsub!(/[įıijĵ]/u, 'j')    n.gsub!(/[ķĸ]/u, 'k')    n.gsub!(/[łľĺļŀ]/u, 'l')    n.gsub!(/[ñńňņʼnŋ]/u, 'n')    n.gsub!(/[òóôõöøōőŏŏ]/u, 'o')    n.gsub!(/œ/u, 'oe')    n.gsub!(/ą/u, 'q')    n.gsub!(/[ŕřŗ]/u, 'r')    n.gsub!(/[śšşŝș]/u, 's')    n.gsub!(/[ťţŧț]/u, 't')    n.gsub!(/[ùúûüūůűŭũų]/u, 'u')    n.gsub!(/ŵ/u, 'w')    n.gsub!(/[ýÿŷ]/u, 'y')    n.gsub!(/[žżź]/u, 'z')    n.gsub!(/\s+/, ' ')    n.gsub!(/[^\sa-z0-9_-]/, '')    n end

-- fxn